If you’re a new reader, you may not have the most up-to-date information on ClerkBase and our services.

You may have heard that ClerkBase has been in business for more than 25 years, providing government document solutions like agenda processing, meeting minutes and documentation, live and on-demand video streaming, and most recently, board and commission management. We added to our growing family of open government solutions with the Applications module for OnBoard.

Applications report
Individual applicant screen

With the Applications module you can receive and manage applications online:

  • your constituents can apply online and upload their resume
  • information goes right into OnBoard
  • validate within the program
  • once validated, information flows to the board level and can be managed by the responsible board coordinator
More updates and modules are coming soon. Stay tuned!
Sound like something that would make your life easier? At ClerkBase, that’s what we do!
Email mail@clerkbase.com or call 866-676-9486 for a free demo.