Smart Search

“The first time my City Manager searched for something on ClerkBase, he found it within a few minutes. ClerkBase paid for itself right then and there.
This application has made my life so much easier. I can’t imagine not having it.”
Posting documents online is great, but if you can’t find what you’re looking for, you’ve only done half the job of transparency. That’s where ClerkBase’s industry-leading search feature makes all the difference. Search results are fast, accurate and comprehensive, and can be as broadly or narrowly defined as you need.
The search feature allows individual departments, officials, and residents to do their own research without depending on staff. The time savings on both ends is significant.
ClerkBase speaks your language. You can search using real questions such as “Get me the ordinance by Councilman Jones on the road repavement in 1996.” Finding what you’re looking for has never been this easy.
Smart Search is included in every ClerkBase product at no additional charge.