click tracking
ClerkBase 2021-01-13T21:14:04+00:00

ClerkBase has been providing transparency solutions since 1994!

Personal data and how Clerkbase / OGV uses it

Clerkbase does not capture, store, or forward any user data period.
Data Source Description Usage
Google Identity Data OGV allows the user to authenticate and from the identity token we acquire the users name and picture. This is used to simply be shown in the top right hand corner, proving the user is logged in.

Google Youtube Data API V3

./auth/youtube - Mange Youtube account

OGV allows needs this scope so the user can create a live streaming event. This includes:
  1. Create a new broadcast event
  2. Create a new live stream and bind to the event
  3. Change the title and descripiton
OGV's purpose is to allow the user to stream content to youtube and capture segements of time in the video allowing Clerkbase to store an index into portion of the video for quick reference for the public consumers of Clerkbase.

Google Youtube Data API V3


See, edit, and permanently delete your YouTube videos, ratings, comments and captions OGV needs this scope to allow the user to see and edit live broadcast events, see and edit live streams, OGV doesn't delete anything and OGV does not have support for ratings, comments, and captions.
