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October is Book Month

2024-10-01T19:25:18+00:00October 2nd, 2024|free time|

(Just for fun, we asked AI to recommend novels written in the 2020s that would be relevant to municipal clerks. This is what we got.) As we celebrate Book Month this October, it's the perfect time for municipal clerks to take a break from ordinances and agendas to dive into some captivating fiction. Here's a [...]

August is American Adventures Month

2023-07-28T13:43:57+00:00August 1st, 2023|free time|

What summer activities does your family enjoy? At Team ClerkBase, our adventures are as diverse as our staff: We go boating, biking and swimming, attend festivals and concerts, travel, go camping, and go to the great beaches here in Rhode Island. Reading, museums, movies and video games are popular rainy-day options. There's plenty of adventures [...]

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