It’s the 50th Municipal Clerks Week!

ClerkBase is proud to support the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) in declaring May 5-11, 2019 as the 50th Municipal Clerks Week! The Week aims to raise public awareness of the vital roles and services of their Municipal Clerk to their local government and the community.

50th Annual Muncipal Clerks Week logo

courtesy IIMC

Although it is one of the oldest positions in local government, few people realize the vital services Municipal and Deputy Clerks perform for their community. Primarily, they act as the foundation of their council. Here’s just a few of the many duties your Municipal Clerk may do:

  • preparing agendas
  • taking minutes
  • maintaining ordinance and resolutions files
  • keeping the municipality’s historical records
  • processing permits
  • serving as the clearinghouse for information about the local government
  • recording the actions of the various commissions and committees
  • administering part or all of the local election functions
  • services such as personnel, purchasing, etc

Many serve as financial officers or treasurers and, in small municipalities, may act as chief administrative officers.

One of local government’s deep-rooted titles is the Municipal Clerk, and their duties have expanded over the years. Today, modern technology assists them with their increasing responsibilities. IIMC prepares its membership to meet the challenge of the diverse role of the Municipal Clerk by providing services and continuing educational development opportunities, ensuring they are abreast of the latest technology, techniques and other relevant information.

IIMC has sponsored Municipal Clerks Week since 1969. In 1984 and in 1994, Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, respectively, signed a Proclamation officially declaring Municipal Clerks Week the first full week of May and recognizing the essential role Municipal Clerks play in local government. During the Week, Municipal Clerks throughout the world will host open houses and tours of the Municipal Clerk’s office, visit local schools and participate in other events.

ClerkBase respects the important work of Municipal and Deputy Clerks, and provides solutions to help make their jobs easier and more efficient. Our flagship product, ClerkBase, allows for the easy posting, search, and retrieval of agendas, minutes, supporting documentation and other public documents, both recent and historical. OnBoardGOV streamlines board and commission management to one easy-to-use database. The Applications add-on module makes tracking volunteers a snap.

Team Clerkbase