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Love yourself! Love, ClerkBase

2024-02-14T14:25:15+00:00February 14th, 2024|#clerkslife, career advice, life hacks|

Feeling overwhelmed as a municipal clerk? You're not alone! But you also hold the power to boost your confidence, polish your professionalism, and navigate your work environment. These seven tips may help: Ditch the Comparisons: Comparing yourself to others is a confidence killer. Instead, focus on your own strengths and celebrate your achievements. Remember, everyone [...]

Very truly yours

2024-01-17T14:23:31+00:00January 16th, 2024|#clerkslife, career advice, communication|

Updated January 2024 Do you sign off your emails? What do you end with? "Best," "Regards," or "Sincerely"? The Career Contessa offers some suggestions if you want to change it up a little. The way we end an email can encapsulate the tone of what we just wrote, and project what we want to happen next. [...]

January is National Mentoring Month

2021-12-30T19:43:04+00:00January 5th, 2022|#clerkslife, career advice|

There are lots of great reasons to become a mentor or mentee. Either way, you learn new things, expand your network, gain self-confidence, and gain new perspectives. The relationship is a great step in career development for both participants. IIMC has a mentorship program for municipal clerks. You can sign up to be either a [...]

Loving your #localgov job

2023-03-31T18:07:15+00:00February 12th, 2020|career advice|

In February, everyone's talking about "love." There's plenty to love about a career in local government... and your job is where you spend 8+ hours a day! If you work for your local government, chances are, you already love your job.  And if you don't yet, the ICMA has five great reasons why you should. The [...]

Reasons to love your Local Government job

2023-03-31T16:34:28+00:00June 5th, 2019|#clerkslife, career advice, holidays, local government|

At ClerkBase, we love working with local government employees. We've built real friendships with our client contacts. img: Melinda Forrester We hope you'll join us in our LinkedIn Group discussion, "What do you love about your local government job?" Share the love!

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