click tracking

September is National Preparedness Month

2023-03-31T17:08:14+00:00September 1st, 2021|#clerkslife, agendas and minutes, boards and commissions, cities, city managers, ClerkBase, emergency preparedness|

2021 has already seen multiple emergencies for many localities. For local governments, the top priority is the health and safety of residents. They also need to protect municipal records. ClerkBase is here to help. ClerkBase's open government solutions keep agencies' minutes, agendas, video, supporting documentation, and board information safe and secure in any emergency, and [...]

#TidyingWithClerkBase – Desk Organizing Hacks

2020-03-10T15:05:41+00:00March 1st, 2020|#clerkslife|

Now that your desk is nice and clean, it's time to get organizing! Apartment Therapy has 35 tips to organize your (home) office. So many of them are useful at work, too! Here's some of our favorite work/home crossovers: Anything can be a desk organizer. Repurpose a utensil organizer as a drawer divider. Store often-used [...]

Reasons to love your Local Government job

2023-03-31T16:34:28+00:00June 5th, 2019|#clerkslife, career advice, holidays, local government|

At ClerkBase, we love working with local government employees. We've built real friendships with our client contacts. img: Melinda Forrester We hope you'll join us in our LinkedIn Group discussion, "What do you love about your local government job?" Share the love!

What’s the best piece of career advice you got that still resonates today?

2023-03-31T16:58:12+00:00May 8th, 2019|#clerkslife, career advice|

In honor of Municipal Clerk's Week, we hope you'll share your best career tips and advice for clerks and municipal professionals. In the Team ClerkBase office, the most common answers centered on focus and work/life balance, which is by far our most popular Pin board. What are your best words of wisdom? image credit: Phil [...]

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