A man in a blue suit looks sadly across the desk into the camera

School is back in full swing, Labor Day has passed, and it’s time to dig back into work. Few of us will take another vacation before the holidays, and many of us took advantage of the last days of summer to take a little time off.

Coming back to work is hard. Other than just not going back, there are a few ways to beat those back to work blues, from Monster.com

Although Monster lists ten suggestions, they live in three categories:

  1. Plan for being away
  2. Be away while you’re away
  3. Come back slowly

Bosses can help employees ease back into work. Richard Francis, an employee wellness specialist, shared some tips for bosses when employees return to work after the New Year, but they’re relevant any time. He acknowledges Post Vacation Syndrome (PVS) is a “medically named phenomenon,” and says that “…the first step is to realize that coping is not the solution – Identifying the triggers and taking steps toward managing PVS, is the solution.”

How do you and your employees manage the back to work blues?