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About Erika Smith

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So far Erika Smith has created 90 blog entries.

November is National Novel Writing Month

2021-11-03T20:56:04+00:00November 3rd, 2021|#clerkslife|

November is National Novel Writing Month! Have you ever sat in a public meeting, or listened to residents' suggestions, or watched your pet's antics and thought, "I could write a book..."? November is your time. Each year, thousands of aspiring writers sign up to participate in National Novel Writing Month. The challenge is simple: write [...]

Best cities to survive the zombie apocalypse

2021-10-28T15:57:30+00:00October 28th, 2021|emergency preparedness, humor, is your hometown on the list?|

A little pre-Halloween fun, as we learn which cities Mental Floss says are the best for surviving the zombie apocalypse. Considering things like mobility and overall fitness of residents, availability of hunting supply stores and basements, and proximity to a military base, they've rounded up the top 20 cities in the U.S. Based on the [...]

The ghosts of boards past

2021-10-19T16:20:15+00:00October 20th, 2021|#clerkslife, boards and commissions, historical records, OnBoard, Uncategorized|

  Are long-gone people and boards still haunting your spreadsheets? Those committee members retired over a year ago. That commission was disbanded. The exploratory task force completed its mission. And yet their presence lingers on in inaccurate and bloated lists. OnBoard's easy reports let you immediately see whose term is expiring, or which seats are [...]

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

2021-10-14T18:32:45+00:00October 14th, 2021|Uncategorized|

We've all heard the horror stories about a local government having its data hijacked by ransomware. Retrieving highjacked or locked data can cost thousands of dollars. This is truly one of those situations where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has an impressive [...]

Local government’s silver tsunami

2021-10-07T19:37:29+00:00October 7th, 2021|#clerkslife|

In the last year, it's seemed like there have been more retirements than usual among our local government friends. Turns out, it's not just us. Route Fifty reports on the findings of MissionSquare Research Institute, and the indications suggest a boom in retirements. The improvement in the economy since the recession of 2009, coupled with [...]

Outsmarting Autonumbering

2021-09-29T15:29:44+00:00September 29th, 2021|tips and tricks|

So you're typing along in Word, and you start a paragraph with A. or I., and all of a sudden, autonumbering kicks in. It's frustrating, but there's a pretty easy fix that will keep your lines nice and neat. It's the "undo" button in the ribbon (or CTRL-Z for keyboard shortcut fans). Undo removes the [...]

These are the most commonly misspelled search words

2021-09-22T15:44:23+00:00September 22nd, 2021|#clerkslife|

Now that most of us are back into the rhythm of the school year, check out this list of the most commonly misspelled search words in every state. AT&T researched the most commonly searched spellings (as in, "how to spell ______") and came up with this interesting report. Most municipal professionals are good spellers, but [...]

September is National Preparedness Month

2023-03-31T17:08:14+00:00September 1st, 2021|#clerkslife, agendas and minutes, boards and commissions, cities, city managers, ClerkBase, emergency preparedness|

2021 has already seen multiple emergencies for many localities. For local governments, the top priority is the health and safety of residents. They also need to protect municipal records. ClerkBase is here to help. ClerkBase's open government solutions keep agencies' minutes, agendas, video, supporting documentation, and board information safe and secure in any emergency, and [...]

Ethics matter!

2023-08-16T20:25:18+00:00March 6th, 2021|ethics, open government, transparency|

Providence, Rhode Island City Hall ICMA shared an article on promoting ethical local government by Michael A. Gillette, PhD. Accountability: Local governments must be accountable to the public for their actions. This means that they must be transparent about their decision-making process and be willing to answer to the public for their decisions. Transparency: Local [...]

Socially distanced summer fun

2020-06-18T21:35:22+00:00June 18th, 2020|Uncategorized|

It's summer, and warmer weather is luring people outdoors. Exercise and socialization are important for health, but it's still important to maintain social distance as well. As reports, Akron, Ohio has instituted some socially distant summer programs that might be good ideas in your community as well. A few ideas include: scavenger hunts radio [...]

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